An extensive poll titled Sexual Dissatisfaction – What It Means For Marriages In india was recently done by the online medical portal to better understand the significance of sex for couples in relationships in the nation.
Due to infertility, impotence, and sexual unhappiness, 30% of indian marriages terminate. After interviewing individuals between the ages of 20 and 65 from Tier-I and Tier-II cities, the researchers came to some unexpected findings. While some research indicates that impotence, infertility, and sexual unhappiness account for thirty percent of marital breakdowns in india, other findings appear to highlight the dearth of sexual opportunities available to indian women.

Approximately 96% of the female respondents stated that they might have benefited from early sex education. Up to 72% of respondents acknowledged that they weren't happy with their sexual life. Conversely, an astounding 98% of the male participants expressed their happiness with their sexual life.
Praney Anand, a sex and relationship counselor, exhorts his clients to recognize the importance of their "sexual health." According to him, "it has always been important for women." It is not simple for women to convey their expectations in this area, especially in a nation like ours where some segments of society are still uncomfortable discussing sex. "Sex needs have not always been discussed; this does not imply that they have never existed. Many couples still avoid having honest conversations about their sexual health and pleasures, fantasies, and limitations. Reclaiming one's sexuality doesn't mean going against societal norms, he adds, emphasizing that women need to become more conscious of their wants since it's the only way they can find fulfillment.

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