The number of calories burned during a sexual activity can vary significantly based on factors such as intensity, duration, and the individuals involved. On average, sexual activity burns approximately 3 to 5 calories per minute. For instance:

A person weighing around 70 kg (154 lbs) might burn about 85 to 150 calories during a 30-minute sexual encounter.
The caloric expenditure is comparable to activities like walking at a moderate pace or light household chores.

Factors influencing calorie burn:

Intensity: More vigorous activity increases heart rate and energy expenditure.

Duration: Longer sessions naturally burn more calories.

Positions and Movements: Certain positions may require more physical effort, leading to higher calorie burn.

Individual Metabolism: Metabolic rates differ from person to person, affecting how many calories are burned.

Not a Primary Exercise: While sex does burn calories, it is generally not enough to replace regular physical exercise for weight loss or fitness goals.

Health Benefits: Beyond calorie burning, sexual activity can offer other health benefits like stress reduction and improved cardiovascular health.

For a more accurate estimate tailored to your specific situation, consider using a wearable fitness tracker during activity, though keep in mind that these devices may not always be precise.

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