This is how the fashion of wearing black clothes started…

Whenever someone has to register his protest, he expresses his protest by wearing black clothes. At the same time, wearing black clothes in religious functions is not considered good, but have you ever wondered when the fashion of wearing completely black clothes started? Let us know in this article today.

Where did the fashion of wearing black clothes start?

The history of black color can also be seen in ancient civilizations. In ancient civilizations like Egypt, Rome and Greece, black color was considered a symbol of power, mysteriousness and spirituality. In Egypt, black color was seen as a symbol of rebirth and life and was associated with gods and sacred garments. The importance of wearing black clothes increased even more in medieval Europe. During this time black color was associated with mourning and death. Black color was used by those who were mourning, especially in families who had lost their loved ones. This tradition gradually spread to different sections of society.

When did black clothes come into fashion?

Victorian Era: The modern fashion of wearing black clothes began in the 19th century during Victorian England. In the Victorian era, black was recognized as a symbol of mourning and seriousness. queen Victoria wore black clothes for a long time after the death of her husband Prince Albert, and this promoted the popularity of black as a symbol of mourning in society. During this period, black is considered a symbol of mourning as well as authority and respect. 20th Century Fashion: The fashion of wearing black clothes became even more popular in the 20th century. During this century, designer Coco Chanel gave black a new identity in the fashion world. Her famous "Little Black Dress" (LBD) established black as a stylish and classic choice. This dress was considered suitable and good for every occasion and gave black a special place in modern fashion.

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