Start feeding these things to children in childhood!!!

Every parent dreams that their child should be healthy. But, sometimes children have some such problems, which become very painful for the child as well as the parents. Osteoporosis is one of such diseases. Yes, nowadays problems like osteoporosis are being seen rapidly in children. Yes, it is a disease related to weak bones. Therefore, all parents should focus on a diet that strengthens the bones of their children for their good health. Now the question is, which things can be beneficial in this problem? Dr. priyanka Arya, Pediatrician of government Medical college Kannauj, is telling about this-
Feed these things for the growth and strength of children
Give high calcium-rich food: Dr. priyanka Arya says that calcium plays an important role in the formation of bones. calcium deficiency weakens the bones, which can lead to fractures even with a slight bump. In such a situation, children can be fed dairy products like milk, cheese, curd as well as green leafy vegetables and nuts.
Give vitamin D supplements: If there is not enough vitamin D in the body, then no matter how much calcium you take, it will not be absorbed in the body. Therefore, do not forget to supplement vitamin D while taking calcium supplements. Apart from this, sunlight is also a good source of vitamin D.
Regular exercise: Exercise helps in the overall physical growth of children. Exercising not only strengthens the bones but also strengthens the muscles. Never force children to do tiring exercises. But, make them do exercises like jogging, jumping and running for some time every day.
Give fruit juice: To make bones strong from childhood, inculcate the habit of fruits and juice in children. Fresh fruit juice and dry fruits fulfill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals as well as protein in the body. Citrus fruits fulfill the deficiency of vitamin C, so you can feed them fruits like orange, sweet lime, kiwi.

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