The price of cooking oil will increase by up to 25%. The news hit like a thunderbolt. Cooking oil- 25% Price Hike Drains the Common Man’s Plate!!

For the common man, already juggling the rising costs of essentials, this isn’t just about numbers on paper; it’s another blow to the fragile balance of daily life. Imagine walking through a bustling marketplace, the aroma of fresh spices and vegetables filling the air. But in your basket, something's missing—cooking oil. Once a staple, now becoming a luxury.

For millions, this price hike translates into difficult choices. The elderly pensioner, counting every rupee to stretch their monthly income, wonders if they’ll have to cut down on essentials like milk or medicines. The middle-class family, already trying to keep up with school fees and rent, now has to reassess their grocery list. Even the small roadside vendor, who fries samosas and bhajjis, feels the pinch—his profits now evaporating with every fry in the pan.

Cooking oil isn’t just an ingredient in food; it’s a symbol of sustenance, of warmth, of family meals shared. And when that symbol is threatened by soaring prices, it’s the common man who bears the weight.

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