Companies not satisfied with quality of engineering graduates?

In 2009, the World bank conducted a survey which revealed that 64% of employers were not satisfied or were very little satisfied with the quality of engineering graduates. The survey also revealed that indian engineering graduates only understand small things, they have difficulty in solving big technical problems.

In fact, most engineering students themselves know that their studies are meaningless. A survey was conducted in 2009-2010 in which 1178 engineering students of delhi were talked to. It was found that only theory is taught in college and there is very little practical work. More than half of the students never got a chance to actually do the work they learned. government colleges provide more opportunities to do practical work while private colleges have less opportunities.

According to the Global india Times report, a survey was conducted in 2020 in which more than 7000 engineering students studying in 48 government and private colleges were talked to. More than half of the students said that their knowledge, skills and abilities have improved significantly during their studies. However, only one-third of the students considered the quality of their education received to be above average. The rest either did not respond or were unsure.

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