Do you also feel sleepy while studying?

Study is the most important thing in any person's life. Without studying, no person can gain knowledge. Studying is necessary not only for a good job but also to make life better. But often you must have heard from students that they feel very sleepy while studying. Today we will tell you why a person feels sleepy while studying. Today we will tell you the reason behind sleep.


It is necessary for any person to sleep for 6 to 7 hours a day. According to experts, if a person does not sleep, then his body will not work properly. Not only this, not sleeping for many days also causes many negative changes in the body. But often students complain that they feel lazy and sleepy while studying. Today we will tell you why a student feels more sleepy while studying.

Sleepiness while studying

It has been observed that when a book is given to a person, then that person also starts feeling sleepy. Children often say that as soon as they sit down to study, they start feeling very sleepy, but this does not happen to them while playing or doing any other work. This may often happen to you too, but have you ever noticed why this happens. The question is why as soon as you take a book in your hand, sleepiness and laziness start coming in your eyes.

Sleepiness while reading

People often complain of feeling sleepy while reading. Let us tell you that feeling sleepy while reading is very harmful for your memory. There is a scientific reason behind this. While reading, the maximum pressure falls on our eyes. At the same time, our brain stores all the data like a computer. Due to so much pressure, our eyes and our brain demand rest, due to which we feel sleepy while reading.

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