Can taking too much stress also cause death?

According to a survey by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), stress can harm our health and increase the risk of premature death. The study found that people who feel a lot of stress and believe that stress affects their health have a 43% higher risk of dying prematurely.

According to the study, 20,231 deaths occur in the US every year due to stress. This number is equal to the number of deaths due to high blood pressure and kidney disease. However, this study could not prove that stress is actually the cause of death.

Is Narayan Murthy's suggestion of working 70 hours correct?

In india in november last year, a debate broke out about how many hours a person should work in a week. This question arose when software billionaire NR Narayan Murthy said that the youth should be ready to work 70 hours a week to help the country develop. This statement of Narayan Murthy was much discussed and also became the reason for controversy. Some people supported him and some also criticized him. Some people consider it inspiring, while some consider it absolutely wrong. But, the question still remains whether Narayan Murthy's suggestion of working for 70 hours is correct.

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