Cyber attacks, economic pressure and misinformation...

Planning should be done on future challenges...Air Marshal V.R. Choudhary says that the 'VUCA' world represents a new paradigm and volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity will shape decision-making at every level. Be it geopolitics, modern warfare or business, success in the VUCA world will require efficiency, collaboration, flexibility, and readiness to accept uncertainties.

He said that the uncertainties of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) are affecting the global defense supply chains, especially the ammunition supply chain. In such a situation, this environment is challenging, but it also provides opportunities for those who can adapt to it.

Citing the decision-making model 'OODA Loop' developed by air Chief Colonel john Boyer, he explained how it can help in an uncertain world. OODA means observe, adapt, decide and act. He pointed out some such requirements which are necessary for a strong defense ecosystem.

He talked about the need to strengthen development, promote domestic research as well as increase innovation to meet the shortage of experts and encourage public-private partnership for that. The air Chief said that for this we need to encourage research and development at the college level itself to promote such a culture.

Stop the migration

The air Chief, referring to the migration of talent, said that our education system needs to be revamped to harness and nurture talent. He said that there has been a migration of talent in the last few decades, and said that better incentives to skilled professionals are needed to help retain talent, and this should be a top priority.

The air Chief Marshal further said that we need to diversify along with expanding our defense industrial base. Along with this, we need to accelerate our indigenous program and this is possible only when we adopt techniques in efficient project management to reduce the time and cost overruns, which have historically affected some of our defense programs.

The air Chief says that it is very important that india keeps itself ready for any challenges in the future. Innovative processes have to be developed as well as coordination has to be established between the industry and the air Force to meet the defense needs quickly. He said that on the 100th anniversary of independence, india should have such an air force that is fully capable of facing any challenges that may come in the next 25 years and giving a befitting reply to them.

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