How many days can a human live inside a fridge?

The earth is full of mysteries. A lot of research has been done by scientists regarding birth and death. But no report has been able to satisfy humans. Humans have not yet been able to solve the mysteries of birth and death of humans on earth. But have you ever wondered how many days a human can live inside a fridge. Today we will tell you the science behind it.


The life and death of humans on earth is full of mysteries. Because no scientist or research can tell about the birth and death of a human. Many times some scientists are seen taking the side of things like rebirth, but in reality they do not know which person will be reborn in what form and where. That is why birth and death are called the world of mysteries.


Now the question is that if a person lives inside a fridge, then how many days can he live. According to experts, the answer is that a person will not survive in a fridge. Because a person needs oxygen gas for life and he will not get oxygen gas inside the fridge, so the person will die soon. In simple words, a person cannot survive inside a fridge.

Keeping the dead body in the fridge

According to media reports, in some places, dead bodies are being kept in the fridge to revive them. Scientists believe that the dead people have actually just fainted. Dead people can be brought back to life with cryonics technology. In such a situation, the trend of freezing and preserving one's dead body to become alive again is increasing rapidly. So far, 600 people around the world have frozen their dead bodies to keep them safe through cryonics technology. In America and Russia, the highest number of 300 people have frozen their dead bodies.

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