Is your teen's sleep being disrupted by screens before bed?

The allure of screens—smartphones, tablets, and computers—can be hard to resist, especially for teens. However, using these devices before bedtime can significantly disrupt sleep quality. The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the body’s production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. When melatonin production is suppressed, falling asleep becomes difficult, leading to restless nights and tired mornings.

Beyond blue light, engaging with social media, games, or videos keeps the brain active and alert at a time when it should be winding down. The constant notifications and the urge to check updates can heighten stress and anxiety, making it even harder for teens to relax and prepare for sleep. This lack of sleep can result in various negative effects, including mood swings, poor concentration, and weakened immune function, all of which can affect academic performance and overall well-being.

To improve sleep, consider setting screen time boundaries. Encourage your teen to power down devices at least an hour before bedtime and engage in calming activities like reading a book, listening to soothing music, or practicing relaxation techniques. Creating a tech-free sleep environment can also help; keep devices out of the bedroom or set up a charging station outside the sleeping area.

It’s also helpful to model healthy screen habits as a family. Discuss the importance of good sleep hygiene and the impact screens can have. Gradually reducing evening screen use, dimming screen brightness, and enabling “night mode” features can make a noticeable difference in promoting better sleep.

By prioritizing sleep-friendly habits and minimizing screen exposure before bed, you can help your teen achieve more restful sleep, leading to improved mood, focus, and overall health.

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