What are the major greenhouse gases?

Like a blanket, greenhouse gases envelop our planet. The heat from the sun can enter Earth thanks to these gasses, but it cannot escape back into space. The greenhouse effect is the name given to this phenomenon.

The most common topic of discussion when discussing climate change is carbon dioxide (CO2). The most common greenhouse gas is CO2. However, there are other greenhouse gases besides CO2 that are contributing to global warming. In addition, there are additional gases including "F-gas," nitrous oxide, and methane that have so far significantly aided in global warming.

Certain natural activities, including plant and animal respiration, volcanic eruptions, and human and animal breathing, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 50% since the 1800s during the Industrial Revolution. Human activity is the primary cause of thissuch as extensive deforestation and the use of fossil fuels.

After surpassing the combined CO2 emissions of the european union and Japan, india rose to the position of third in the world in 2023. With a 27.2% increase in carbon dioxide emissions to 12.6 gigatons (Gt), china leads the list. With 4.5 Gt, the US is in second place, despite an 11.7% decline.

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