What is India's share in greenhouse gas emissions?

Statistics show that India's contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is only 4 percent, while India's population is about 17 percent of the world's total population, yet india has a very small share in global GHG emissions. India's contribution has been so low in the period between 1850 and 2019. However, India's per capita emissions are increasing.

According to the JRC report, India's GHG emissions have reached 2.9 CO2eq/cap/yr per person in 2023, which has increased from 2.5 CO2eq/cap/yr. This means that the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by each person has increased. So overall India's contribution to global GHG emissions is low, but per capita emissions are increasing.

Energy sector is the biggest culprit for climate change

Energy is responsible for the most greenhouse gas emissions, which is mostly caused by burning fossil fuels. Despite efforts to reduce these emissions, CO2 emissions around the world are still much higher than is necessary to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

According to the 'CO2 Emissions 2023 Report' of the Paris-based international Energy Agency, India's carbon emissions have increased significantly this decade, increasing from 2 gigatons (GT) in 2013 to 2.8 GT in 2023, showing an increase of 40 percent.

There is a direct relationship between increasing heat and greenhouse gases in India. Increasing emissions of greenhouse gases are becoming the main reason for increasing heat in India. When the amount of greenhouse gases increases, the temperature of the earth also increases. As India's population and industry grow, greenhouse gas emissions also increase.

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