People are dying due to work pressure...?

For the last few days, the story of 26-year-old Ana Sebastian has been trending on social media. Ana completed her Chartered Accountant course this year and got her first job at India's prestigious company, EY. However, it had been just four months since she started working in this company when she suddenly died of a heart attack. Ana's mother gave an important statement after this tragic incident, which has forced everyone to think. She is sure that her daughter died due to workload, that is, working beyond capacity. She wrote a letter to the Chairman of EY india and highlighted the working environment of the company, in which she told how her daughter was under pressure to work day and night.

There has always been a wonderful glorification of work culture in India. This ideal of "work, be successful" has become so deep that it has become a part of not only our career, but also our identity. The death of 26-year-old Anna Sebastian Pereyil has forced us to think whether we can really continue to glorify work in this way? Now the question arises—is this stress of work really taking over our lives?

What is the overwork issue?

Whenever a person works overtime to cope with the workload of the office or does office work at home, it is called overwork. If you do this every day, then it can affect your mental health, physical health and social life.

Indian labor market situation

Currently, about 60% of people in india are experiencing symptoms of burnout. Burnout is a mental and physical condition that occurs when a person faces constant stress, work pressure, or extreme exhaustion. This condition often develops due to long working hours, unsatisfactory work environment, or stress in personal life. At the same time, a research report by McKinsey also revealed that the average working hours of people in india is 46.7 hours per week, which is the highest compared to other countries of the world. According to the ILO report, 51.4% people in india are working more than 49 hours.

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