Humans living on Mars will become green and lose vision...

Although we haven't sent any humans to Mars yet, it's anticipated that we will be able to do so in the near future. Meanwhile, startling information has surfaced. Scientists have alerted us to the possibility that people on our planet could go green and lose their vision. Dr. Scott Solomon, a biologist at Rice university in Texas, reportedly told Indy 100 that if humans reproduced on Mars, their offspring may experience severe mutations and evolutionary alterations.

In his book Future people, Dr. Solomon noted that it can be very challenging for people to survive or flourish on Mars because of its extraordinarily hostile environment. He said that issues including weak muscles, green skin, impaired vision, and brittle bones could affect youngsters born on Mars.

Why is it possible for humans to turn green?

Dr. Solomon claims that these mutations are caused by high radiation and low gravitational pull, which can turn people green. Mars' gravity is 30% less than Earth's since it is a smaller planet. Aside from this, Mars lacks an ozone layer and a magnetic field, which puts it in direct touch with space radiation and the sun's UV rays.

According to Dr. Solomon, humans' skin can generate a new sort of pigment in response to excessive radiation, allowing them to protect themselves against radiation. According to Dr. Solomon's book, "perhaps our skin can develop a new pigment to withstand radiation, which can make us 'green humans'."

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