Which injection farmers use to make vegetables grow quickly?

Technological development in agriculture has provided farmers with new ways to increase crop yields and grow vegetables quickly. One of the major ways is the use of hormonal injections. In such a situation, let us know how farmers use these injections to grow vegetables and what happens to them.

How are hormonal injections used?

Farmers use different types of hormones, some of which are used very excessively.

Gibberellins: This hormone promotes the growth of plants. With its help, the growth of vegetables accelerates, especially when their growth rate is slow.

Auxins: This hormone is helpful in increasing root development and fruit size. It is used by farmers to make vegetables grow faster.

Cytokinins: This hormone encourages cell division and accelerates plant growth.

Let us tell you that these hormones are often used through injection or spray, so that plants can grow rapidly.

How is injection applied in vegetables?

Farmers have to take care of when and how to inject. Usually, hormones are used in the initial growth stage of plants. Apart from this, different vegetables have different sensitivities, so the correct ratio and timing of hormones is necessary for every vegetable. Then after injecting, farmers have to monitor the growth of plants to ensure whether the effect of the hormone is positive or not.

The indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) conducted a study in which it was found that the correct use of hormonal injections can increase vegetable yields by up to 30%. This study has helped farmers to become aware of this technology. Let us tell you that the government of india has organized training programs for the safe and effective use of hormonal injections for farmers under the "Agricultural Research and Development Scheme". This program not only provides technical information to farmers but also motivates them for healthy agricultural practices.

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