Common man's expenses: In which state the most spendthrift?
People of different states in india spend a large part of their income on food and their needs. The percentage of food and non-food expenditure is different in rural and urban areas. How much was a common man spending in 2022-23. This information has been extracted on the basis of 'Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure' (MPCE) in the Family Consumption Expenditure survey (HCES).
According to the report, in the financial year 2022-23, a person in villages spends an average of 3773 every month, while in cities this figure is 6459. The average expenditure of the poorest 5% of the people in the village is only 1373, while the poorest 5% of the people in the city spend 2001. At the same time, the richest 5% of the people in the village spend 10,501 and the rich of the city spend 20,824 every month. The value of things received for free from government schemes is not included in this.
People spend the most in sikkim (7731 in village and 12,105 in city). The least expenditure is in chhattisgarh (2466 in village and 4483 in city). meghalaya has the highest difference in expenditure between village and city (83%), followed by chhattisgarh (82%). Talking about union territories, the highest expenditure is in Chandigarh, Rs 7467 in village and Rs 12,575 in city. The lowest expenditure is in Ladakh (village 4035) and lakshadweep (city 5475).
Common man's expenditure on food and drink
The report states that people in villages spend 46.38% of their income on food and drink, while people in cities spend 39.17%. The rest of the expenditure is spent on education, travel, medical, shopping and paying taxes. Among these, both rural and urban people spend the most on beverages and processed food. 9.62% i.e. Rs 363 is spent in villages and 10.64% i.e. Rs 687 is spent in cities. Processed food includes many types of food, such as: packaged food, ready-to-eat food, frozen food, canned food etc.