A post is going viral on the internet these days, in which it is written that Albert Einstein once said that if bees disappear from the earth, then humans will live only for 4 or 5 years. You will find many posts related to this on the social media site Quora. However, when we investigated this, we did not find any such quote of Albert Einstein anywhere. But, during this investigation, it was definitely found that bees are getting extinct from the earth. Humans may not die due to their extinction, but it will definitely have an impact on the ecosystem of the earth. Let us know in this news today why bees are getting extinct.
Bees are disappearing
You can guess from your surroundings how fast the bees are disappearing. Until a few years ago, you could see bees hovering over flowers everywhere, but now it is not seen like this. According to scientists and agricultural experts, the decline in the number of bees has become a global problem today.
Why are bees disappearing?
There are many reasons behind this. One of the reasons is CCD disease. Understand it like this that in America, since 2006, a disease called "Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)" has caused a huge decline in the number of bees. The big thing is that this disease does not kill just one bee. Rather, the entire bee colony perishes in this disease.
At the same time, in a country like India, excessive use of pesticides in the agricultural sector, especially pesticides like Neonicotinoid, which affect the breeds of bees, is eliminating bees. Apart from this, environmental changes and loss of natural habitats are also becoming a cause of danger for bees.