When we talk about the mileage of a car and a bike, we find out how many kilometers a car or a bike runs in one liter of petrol? But have you ever wondered what is the mileage of a plane? Does a plane also consume fuel like a car or a bike and what is its mileage? This question comes to the mind of many people, especially when they are going somewhere by plane and they want to know about the fuel consumption of the plane. In such a situation, let us know what is the mileage of a plane and how much fuel is consumed in it.

What is the mileage of a plane?

The mileage of a plane can be understood as "fuel efficiency". It tells how many kilometers an aircraft travels, how many liters of fuel is required for it. However, the mileage of a plane is quite different from that of a car, because planes fly with a lot of weight and require more engine power and fuel consumption. Typically, the fuel consumption of a commercial airline plane (such as Boeing 737 or Airbus A320) is between 3 and 4 liters per km. This means that the plane spends 3 to 4 liters of fuel to fly one km. This is much more than the mileage of a car, because a normal car consumes about 15 to 20 kilometers per liter of fuel.

How much does fuel cost?

The price of aircraft fuel varies according to time and place, but usually the price of 1 liter of aircraft fuel is between Rs 60 to 80. If an aircraft needs around 5000 to 6000 litres of fuel for an hour of flight, the estimated fuel cost could be up to Rs 3 lakh, depending on the type of aircraft and the distance flown. For example, a Boeing 737 uses around 2500-3000 litres of fuel per hour of flight, while for larger aircraft like Boeing 747, this number can go up to 10,000 litres.

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