In this country, you can embrace death without permission...
There are many countries in the world where euthanasia has been legalized. Switzerland's name comes first in this case, but there is also a country where euthanasia is not considered illegal. In fact, voluntary assisted dying is legal in all states of Australia. It allows terminally ill adults who are suffering and have the capacity to make decisions to choose to receive assistance.
This thing came to light in research
The relevant law first came into force in the state of Victoria in 2019. This law was implemented by New South wales in late 2023 after all the states. Voluntary assisted dying will be allowed in the Australian capital Territory in november and a report for the Northern Territory has also recommended passing a law providing for voluntary assisted dying. Most Australians now live in jurisdictions where voluntary assisted dying is permitted, but access to voluntary assisted dying depends on knowing that it is a legal option. However, new research shows that many Australians are not aware of it.
People do not know about the law
Voluntary assisted dying is legalised in Queensland on 1 january 2023. To find out, in mid-2024, we asked 1,000 Queensland adults in an online survey whether they were aware of this new end-of-life option. We set quotas for age, sex and geographic location to ensure that the people we surveyed represented the overall Queensland population.
These questions were asked to people
The first question asked in the survey was whether people think voluntary assisted dying is legal in Queensland. Only one-third (33 per cent) answered this correctly. Of the 67 per cent who did not answer correctly, 41 per cent thought voluntary assisted dying was illegal and 26 per cent said they did not know.