Are entertainment and rest given importance along with work?

People in India are now spending more time on entertainment, culture and education than before. According to the survey, people aged 6 years and above now spend 11% of their day in cultural activities, entertainment, media and sports, whereas in 2019 this figure was 9.9%. 89.3% of children aged 6 to 14 years are studying and they spend an average of 413 minutes (about 6 hours 53 minutes) daily in studies.

People aged 6 years and above spend an average of 708 minutes (about 11 hours 48 minutes) daily in self-care and maintenance. In this, women spend 706 minutes and men spend 710 minutes. Meaning, people are now giving importance to entertainment and relaxation along with work in their lives. This is a good thing, because it improves the mental and physical health of people. The time spent by children in studies shows that awareness about education is increasing.

16.8% Indians are making the things they need

According to the Time Use survey 2024, about 16.8% of the people in india are making the things they need themselvesThis means that they are fulfilling their needs by doing work like farming, weaving cloth, cooking or any other handicraft.

How were these survey data collected?

The Time Use survey 2024 has collected detailed information about the use of people's time. people were asked what they did in every 30 minutes. If someone did multiple tasks at the same time, a maximum of three tasks done for 10 minutes or more were recorded. Information was taken from people aged 6 years and above about the work done in the last 24 hours.

This survey included 139,487 families across the country, of which 83,247 were rural and 56,240 were urban families. Information was collected from 454,192 members (aged 6 years and above) of these families. Computer devices were used to collect information. The person taking the interview had a device in which he would fill the information directly. Information was taken from people about the 24 hours from 4 am a day before the interview to 4 am the next day. The results of this survey have been presented in the form of a fact sheet, which provides statistics for people aged 6 years and above across India.

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