What is the rule against pornographic content on the Internet?
The central government has made many strict rules to make the Internet safe, reliable and accountable. Under the Information technology Act 2000 (IT Act), posting or spreading obscene or pornographic content on the Internet is a crime. If a person shares such content on electronic medium (such as website, social media, whatsapp etc.), then he can be punished.
This law is even more strict in the case of children. If someone puts such things on the Internet in which something wrong is happening to children, then there is a provision for strict punishment. This law helps to protect children from online exploitation.
What did the government do to stop pornographic content on the Internet?
In response to this question asked in Parliament, the government said, if any website shows obscene pictures or videos of children, then the government immediately closes it. Interpol (International Police) collects information related to crime around the world. When Interpol sends a list of child pornography websites to India's cbi (Central Bureau of Investigation), the government immediately shuts down those websites.
The government has ordered Internet service Providers (ISPs) to use the lists of organizations like 'Internet watch Foundation, UK' and 'Project Arachnid, Canada'. These lists contain information about websites showing pornographic pictures or videos of children. ISPs have to update these lists continuously and shut down such websites immediately.
The government has asked ISPs to inform their customers about 'parental control filters'. Tools that help parents protect their children from wrong websites. Along with this, the government has ordered ISPs that have international long-distance licenses to completely shut down some websites because pornographic pictures or videos of children were found on those websites.