While the film industry is still reeling from raj Kundra's pornographic racket, another case has been uncovered. Everything is alarming now that another young actress porn rocket case has surfaced. Nandita Dutta, a young actress, has been accused of making sensational claims by a model. After she reportedly pushed herself to shoot naked recordings, police are cracking down. Nandita Dutta and her aide were also detained by the police.

Cops caught Nandita Dutta and her photographer when they learned that they were forcefully filming nude movies in a studio with models and sending them to a pornographic website. Ballygange, the proprietor of the studio where the nude picture session took place, was also detained and sent to the New Town police Station. The camera and other studio equipment have been seized, and a number of issues have been raised.

The model claimed that Nandita Dutta took her and trapped her in the Baliganj studio. She said that she was forced to do a naked film with him and that she had no idea. She also allegedly drove a young woman from one of her acquaintances to the Newton Hotel in Kolkata, where she allegedly recorded naked films with her in a hotel room. The porn racket incident created a phenomenon in the film business as a result of this.

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