We have witnessed instances of the alleged affair between naresh and lokesh -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>pavitra lokesh with their respective (ex)spouses airing their dirty laundry in public. On the eve of the new year, naresh and Pavitra created a video introducing themselves to us, saying they were "getting married soon" and using the hashtag #PavitraNaresh. Well, the announcement and the video of the alleged pair convinced us that they were a real couple. However, the most recent information we have is that naresh and Pavitra deceived us all with their entrancing movie.

It is rumoured to be a PR stunt similar to those used by many others to promote their future films. The video glimpse and lip lock are from the upcoming film "Malli Pelli," which naresh and Pavitra are starring in. The couple tried to capitalise on the rumours and relationship news for the film, and they were completely successful in making everyone think it was true.

It was previously revealed that naresh and Pavitra are thinking about acting as the main characters in a film about their current relationship and their past romances. And this movie, Malli Pelli, is allegedly that one. Although the new year's lip kiss and accompanying video led us to believe that it was all real, we are unsure of whether they actually wish to wed now or soon. We'll have to wait and watch how this Malli Pelli does.

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