Crowdfunding - Things for donors to keep in mind??

Opening Facebook, while looking at a website, your eyes will often go to those small appeals in which someone is expecting financial help from you for some reason or the other, this is crowdfunding.

In simple words, crowdfunding is collecting small amounts of money from a lot of people and making a large amount of money needed to fulfill a purpose. There are two words in crowdfunding, crowd, and funding, which means that the fund that meets the crowd (a lot of people) rather than the investment of one or two big investors.

Earlier it was started to fund a new business. Large networks can be taken advantage of through crowdfunding. Sometimes it is used to increase business. These days, with the help of crowdfunding, the work of helping people is done. Many people resort to crowd-funding even for very expensive treatment. Some organizations use it for social welfare.
Keep these things in mind while crowdfunding...
With the spread of wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital media, the requests for crowdfunding have also increased more than ever. In such a situation, how to know where you are giving money, is not a forgery.
1. Try to find out who is doing certain crowdfunding - Try to know Who is managing that campaign? What is their purpose?
2. See the documents related to the purpose - If you are putting money in crowdfunding, then you have the right to take complete information. You can ask the person who organized it to share the relevant documents. Many experts also recommend doing background checks of the people who organize the crowdfund. This will be your attempt to save yourself from harm.