ATM cash withdrawal without debit card..?

RBI has clarified the doubts of the customers about the convenience of code scanning and withdrawing money from ATMs without a debit card. Gone are the days of going to the bank and withdrawing money and developing street-to-street ATM machines. It is now possible to easily transfer money with smartphones through UPI processors.
After the advent of ATMs, the number of people withdrawing money from banks has decreased. The facility of scanning the code in ATM machines and withdrawing money without using an ATM card was introduced in the highlands. This facility has now been introduced in india with the approval of the bank OF INDIA' target='_blank' title='reserve bank of india-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>reserve bank of india and has made the transaction even easier.Reserve bank Governor Shaktikanta Das said that in the first phase, only a few banks would be able to withdraw cash from ATMs without a card, and if successful, all banks' ATMs would be able to withdraw cash through UPI. An App exclusively for this purpose has been introduced to smartphones. You can withdraw money without a debit card by going into this app and scanning the code on the ATM machine and giving information about the amount to be withdrawn. According to the bank employees, this has been very well received by the customers.It is said that this facility will be extended to the rural soon as the facility is currently introduced only in big cities. The RBI has informed that if an SMS is received on a smartphone that money has been withdrawn from a bank account without withdrawing it, it should be reported to the bank immediately and the money will be re-added to the account immediately.

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