8% Interest for Senior Citizens..!? Top Scheme of Post Office!

One of the popular schemes offered by the post office for senior citizens is the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS). The central government-owned postal department offers many good schemes to provide a good source of income to the people. Post offices offer various investment schemes to their customers with safe and attractive returns. The Post office is implementing several schemes for senior citizens. While the post office is offering various schemes to people from all walks of life, the post office is also offering several schemes for the future benefit of senior citizens. One of the popular schemes offered by the Post office for senior citizens is the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS).
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS) is a 5-year savings scheme that pays 8 percent interest per annum on the money you invest. Your minimum investment limit in this scheme is Rs 1,000 and the maximum investment limit is Rs 15 lakh. It is important to note that this Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) of Tapala office is only available to investors above 60 years of age. The government reviews interest rates on small savings every quarter. The government hiked the interest income of the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) to 8 percent per annum in the January-March quarter of the financial year 2022-23.The maximum amount that can be invested in the SCSS scheme till march 31, 2023, is Rs 15 lakh the scheme comes with a maturity of 5 years and you can extend it for 3 more years. The tax-deductible interest rate is compounded quarterly and is paid along with the principal amount at maturity. Interest is paid on the last day of each quarter i.e. 31st march, 30th September, 30th june and 31st December. Also, tax relief is provided under Post Office's SCSS scheme, Senior Citizens can avail of income tax relief up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the indian Tax Act, 1961.

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