In a world where government employees roamed the lands, yearning for a pension plan that would unify their financial futures, a hero emerged from the chaos—a hero known as the Prime Minister. With a wave of his mighty pen, he and his cabinet declared, "Let there be a Unified Pension Scheme!"

And thus, 23 lakh central government employees rejoiced, for they no longer had to worry about the dreaded post-retirement blues. "Pensions for all!" they chanted, as they envisioned a future where their hard-earned paychecks wouldn't just vanish into the abyss of monthly expenses.

No longer would they fear the days of bargain hunting for the cheapest potatoes in the market or the woes of cutting down on their chai budget. With the Unified Pension Scheme, they could now dream of a retirement filled with leisurely walks, endless cups of tea, and perhaps even that long-awaited world tour—or at least a trip to the nearest hill station.

As the news spread, desks rattled with joy, and bureaucrats everywhere updated their retirement plans with newfound enthusiasm. After all, nothing says "happily ever after" quite like a unified pension plan.

And so, the tale of the Unified Pension Scheme was written into the annals of government history—a tale of hope, security, and, of course, the occasional joke about how even retirement plans in india needed some unity.

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