Lavanya Tripathi who already made a good impression with 'Bhale Bhale Magadivoy' and 'Soggade Chinni Nayana' is all set to do a very bubbly and glamour avatar in her next project. As per reports, Actress Lavanya Tripathi will be seen in a very glamour avatar in her next project and it is shot in and around Hyderabad.
Sharwanand is doing the lead protagonist role and debutante Chandramohan shapes the project. BVSN Prasad funds this romantic entertainer. Lavanya Tripathi so far has never done such a glamour avatar in her career.
An inside source said, "Lavanya got numerous offers and she turned them off as all of them expected her to be a glam doll. She realized that glamour is essential to survive in this industry and for the first time she will be seen in a 'HOT' avatar.
The actress is working rigorously to shape her physique in order to fit the bill." The project is yet-to-be titled and soon the team will complete the first schedule at RFC. Watch out this space for more updates.