Well, recently a leading Tamil publication created ripples by posting Kajal Aggarwal enjoyed the shooting of 'Khaidi No 150' with her boyfriend. The news went viral and everyone predicted various persons. This also paid way to rumours and speculations.
However, we hear from sources that it was just a shooting spot photo and it was some foreigner who got excited on seeing Kajal Aggarwal. The reason why this got more attention is, the same guy never took a photo even with 'Mega Star' Chiranjeevi.
Also, he was holding his hands in Kajal Aggarwal's back while taking the photo. Whatever, if this is for real, we are in for another wedding bells inside Tollywood film industry. On the professional front, Kajal Aggarwal works for 'Thala 57' and she pairs with Ajith for the first time in this project.