Bollywood sources have stated that after the success of Badrinarth Ki Dulhania, director Shashank Khaitan had said that he is interested in making another instalment in the franchise. The Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan's film which released on Friday, March 10, is a sequel to Shashank's 2014 film Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania.
The movie had featured Alia and Varun in the lead. Director Shashank had said "We are delighted with the response. We are getting a lot of encouragement. After seeing the film, the audience is coming out of the theatres with happy faces".
The director and the teammates are really excited on seeing
the result and the response for the movie. Shashank wanted to work with every
actor in the industry but his main focus is to write a good script and then
approach the actor who is best suitable for the role.
Badrinath Ki Dulhania is Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan's third film together and Shashank Khaitan's second film as a director. Stay tuned for more refreshments.