Bollywood industry's diva also said that writing a memoir requires certain amount of discipline, which she lacks. Vidya Balan said she thinks it is too early for a memoir from her. She still wants to gather many more experiences in life before she get down to that, because it requires a lot of discipline which she don't think she has. She is only disciplined on the set".
Earlier the actress was last seen on screen in 'Begum Jaan' and 'Kahani 2: Durga Rani Singh. After back to back intense roles, Vidya is busy with slice-of-life comedy film 'Tumhari Sulu'. Currently talks are going on to make her act in Kollywood and Tollywood industry movies opposite Rajinikanth and Chiranjeevi.
Meanwhile when talking about the film, Vidya said, "I am doing a film
called 'Tumhari Sulu' which is a light-hearted film about a housewife who
suddenly finds herself doing the job of a late night radio jockey. So that
allows for a lot of funny moments."
It was stated that ahead of Mother's Day on May 14, Vidya looked back to the time spent with her mother. She said "She remembers in the scorching heat, her mom and Vidya were walking back from school and had passed this huge open space where a mad woman used to stay. Every afternoon, she was petrified of the fact that she might spot her and ran towards her. And, she would always feel so secure holding her mother's hand".