As per latest from sources it was stated that hot actress Neha Dhupia, who is best remembered to Telugu audiences as the bombshell from Balakrishna's "Parama Veera Chakra" looks to be beating the scorching summer heat in the most ideal way.

It was stated that the hot lady has recently shared this sexy picture of hers from the pool side. Wearing a micro bikini and hanging her legs in the pool, Dhupia has jovially flaunted her toned body by the pool rails.

Image result for neha dhupia sexy  in Bikini

She is already a hot bombshell and the angle in which the photo was taken made her look even sexier. 

On work front, Dhupia is currently busy hosting a couple of TV show. Keep watching for more refreshments about the actress.

Image result for neha dhupia sexy

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