Bollywood sources have stated that despite continuous media scrutiny, rarely an actor opens up about his private life, especially anything related to sex. Young Bollywood hero Sushant Singh Rajput, who hogged limelight by playing the titular role in cricketer MS Dhoni's biopic, however showed no inhibitions at all when he revealed what his favorite sex position is.

It was stated that currently Sushant and Kriti Sanon are busy promoting their upcoming film 'Raabta', which was recently in news after makers of 'Magadheera' approached the court accusing the makers of copying their film.
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Meanwhile when promoting the film through Facebook Live chat with a noted website, Sushant replied that 'I like things in 60 so it has to 69' when he was asked about his favorite sex position. The charming Kriti, who was sitting right beside him, was all blushing when he madly made that stunning revelation.

In fact Kriti and Sushant are rumored to have been in a relationship for past few months after they fell for each other during the filming of Raabta. The duo has recently made their appearance together in Hyderabad to watch the IPL final. Sushant's answer on his favorite sex position has seemingly put Kriti in an uncomfortable position.

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