Kollywood industry's actor Ajith and maker Siruthai Siva have joined hands for the third time through the movie Vivegam. Currently the movie's shooting work is completed and the final stage work is going on. Meanwhile the movie's business talks have started and are going in full swing.

On behalf of Sathyajyothi Films Company, the movie is been bankrolled by DG Thyagarajan. As per latest report it was stated that the movie's Kerala right was bought by Mohanlal's Pulimurugan fame Production Company have got it.

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The movie features Kajal Aggarwal, Akshara Hassan in leading roles and Bollywood industry's actor Vivek Oberoi as the antagonist for the movie. Anirudh is scoring the music and recently the movie's Surviva song which was released had received huge welcome among his fans. Very soon the remaining songs will be released. The movie is slated to hit screens in August and so the team is rushing the work.

Image result for Vivegam with Pulimurugan 

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