Bollywood industry’s yesteryear actress Sridevi's daughters Jhanvi and Khushi Kapoor were born in the spotlight. It is no surprise that Jhanvi wanted to follow her mother's footsteps and enter Bollywood. According to a report it was stated that, Khushi went another way and tried her luck with a dance reality show.
It was stated that apparently, Khushi was among the innumerable aspirants who auditioned for Dance plus 3. A source is quoted as saying, "Last month, auditions for Dance plus 3 were held in Mumbai, and one of the contestants was Khushi. But nobody knew who she was, where she is only after that she made it to the top 35 that the makers realized who she was as she had to fill her resume."
Sources have made a statement that the teenager kept
her identity hidden because she did not want to be favored for being Sridevi's
daughter, but make it on her own merit. The source also added that "No
doubt, she is a good dancer, but she didn't get shortlisted in the top 12
contestants." Moreover Sridevi is currently slated for the release of ‘Mom’,
while Jhanvi's debut film is yet to be announced.