Amala Paul seems to get trapped in controversies quite easily. The actress who was linked with Actor Dhanush just walked out of that controversy. Soon after that, she acted in a movie titled 'Thiruttu Payale 2' and she was mocked and trolled by netizens for acting in the role of an unfaithful housewife.

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Her married life also ended in divorce and there are lots of speculations behind it. Right now, her entire focus is on movies alone. However, recently she attended the Audio launch of 'Thiruttu Payale 2' in a revealing outfit and once again was trapped in a controversy.

Before that fades out, now a smoking video of Amala Paul is going viral on the Internet. The video clearly shows Amala Paul breathing in the smoke and breathing it out through the nose. This has shocked most of them too. Well, take a look at it below,

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