Yesteryear hero, veteran Vijayakumar's son, actor Arun Vijay has been in the industry since the 90s, and when he was introduced into the field, was expected to be a tough competition for the upcoming rising young heroes Ajith and Vijay. However, poor script selections and performances meant continuous disasters, and the actor almost went on a sabbatical.

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Though he gained moderate success with Cheran directorial Pandavar Bhoomi and was appreciated for his performance in Iyarkai by S.P.Jananathan, commercial success was eluding him for long, until classy maker Gautham Menon directorial Yennai Arindhaal happened to him. The film starred Thala Ajith as the lead, a tough cop Sathyadev and had Arun Vijay playing the antagonist for the first time in his career. As Victor Manohar, Arun Vijay excelled and won accolades for his menacing act and macho makeover.

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The actor who has had few hits like Thadayara Thakka and Kuttram23 has now got a big surprise from the man who turned his career, Gautham Menon himself. It has been confirmed that the Maverick maker will be directing the landmark 25th flick of Arun Vijay. With such a promising, talented maker helming the project, this 25th flick is sure to elevate Arun Vijay to a whole new level of stardom in Kollywood.

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