The muchanticipated movie of Mahesh Babu's 'SPYDER' is all set to hit the screens on 27th of September and for the first time, Mahesh Babu is going to have a direct release in Tamil version too. Rakul Preet has done the female lead role.

In this case, the movie which had good reports initially fell into negative criticisms all of a sudden. The movie was lashed out by movie buffs literally after the trailer was released. A roller coaster running with no support, A giant rock rolling down the streets, Poor VFX, and lots more.

In this case, on the romantic side too, we sense we are going to have shades of 'Thuppakki' and Rakul is just going to play the role of an Innocent, Immatured, girl. The team has revealed some new stills and it is obvious from them. From these stills, AR Murugadoss clearly hints that, don't expect anything out of the box!

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