Rakul Preet Singh is currently anticipating the release of 'Khakee' where she has paired with Karthi for the first time in her career. Now, the actress faces trouble from a small time filmmaker. As per sources, the actress is being stalked by a small-time director.

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The actress has lost the patience and has now warned him to stay away from her or she will file a legal complaint against him. Some sources revealed us that Rakul worked with that director earlier and now has reached a stardom. The same director is still struggling to settle down and now he is requesting Rakul to work on a heroine oriented subject and asking her dates.

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But Rakul Preet who has some credibility now is now ignoring him. Either she feels that the script is not impressive or her dates are full, she turned down the offer. But, he keeps on bugging her without any space and the actress has run out of patience now. She has warned the director she will take legal action if he continues to show such a dogmatic attitude. 

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