Kajal Aggarwal had a dream run in the year 2017 as all the releases were huge blockbusters. The actress was on cloud nine due to these successes. Now, she has 'Paris Paris', 'Awe' and 'MLA' under her kitty.

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She pairs with Kalyan Ram for 'MLA' and it will be bankrolled by Kiran Reddy and Bharath Chowdary under Blue Planet Entertainments banner. They are the same producers who earlier produced 'Nene Raju Nene Mantri'. The movie has a strong technical team comprising of Mani Sharma for Music and Prasad Murella for cinematography.

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Upendra Madhav who worked as a writer for 'Bruce Lee' and 'Aagadu' will be the director here! The makers are now aiming for a March release as they don't want to face the Summer heat with biggies. But, Kajal Aggarwal's cooperation is essential for the wrapup. As per sources, the movie is still 30% pending. Kajal Aggarwal's portions are still remaining as it is and that troubles everyone. 

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