The bubbly babe Raashi Khanna, who's known for her cute acts in films like Oohalu Gusagusalade, went on to display full-on glam show in her upcoming films like Jil, Hyper, Supreme, and even made a wet and hot appearance in a skimpy swimsuit in the 2015 flick Bengal tiger opposite Ravi Teja.

After a dull phase, with her films not doing well, and even her Malayalam debut Villain becoming a flop, Raashi Khanna is back to entertain Tollywood audience in two movies in different genres and those two will present the beautiful girl in different looks and makeovers.

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In this case, Raashi Khanna is quite happy as her recent release in Tamil 'Adanga Maru' has been doing so well at the Box-Office and the movie is already earning praises and positive critics.

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