Director G Ashok, who shot to fame with his debut flick, the light-hearted romantic coming of age entertainer Pilla Zamindar starring natural star Nani, later fell off track, with back to back disasters, the Aadi Saikumar starrer Sukumarudu, and the long-delayed flick starring Anjali, Chitrangada which met with lukewarm response.

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However, the director made confident moves, and came up with yet another woman-centric gangster plot revolving around an IAS officer Chanchala, in Bhaagamathie, which was released on January 26, and is running to packed houses and increasing steady collections, earning accolades to Anushka for her stunning performance.

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Before Bhaagamathie happened, Ashok was supposed to direct senior hero Victory Venkatesh in a movie, but it didn't materialize. It has now been speculated that Ashok, now boosted by the success of Bhaagamathie has approached Venky yet again with a script and that this will be a silent film. Ashok is also trying to convince Anushka once again to do the female lead role in this project. Let's see if Venky okays Anushka this time around. 

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