The slender waist babe Ileana D'Cruz has spoken about casting couch in the industry. Several Bollywood heroines of late have been speaking out boldly about the casting couch practices in the industry, and also on how non-cooperation to sexual desires leads to losing offers.
Recently, Ileana has spoken about casting couch in an interview. She said that though an actress hesitating to expose the casting couch experience she has faced might seem to be cowardice, once she exposes a producer/director or a hero involving in casting couch, her career will be finished.
Recently, a junior artist from the south came to me, seeking advice on what to decide, after a producer asked for sexual favors. Ileana said that she had told the junior actress that she must decide for herself, and Ileana can't decide for others. Ileana went on to add that A-list actresses must come forward to expose actors and producers who involve in casting couch and expose the real faces of celebrities who are seen by many as gods.