Young hero Kalyan Ram, whose career has been a bumpy, inconsistent ride so far, with very few and occasional hits like Athanokkade, and Pataas to his credit, and numerous disasters, last had a release in the form of last Friday's MLA - Manchi Lakshanalunna Abbayi, costarring Kajal Aggarwal.

The film revolving around a hero's mission to win his love and a cause, fighting politician, has been doing well at the box office despite mixed to average reviews and is directed by debutant Upendra Madhav, bringing together the Lakshmi Kalyanam pair of milky white babe Kajal and Kalyan Ram together after 12 years.

The film reportedly opened to a collection of 7 crores worldwide share, and today, the team held the success meet for the movie. Kalyan Ram had said that though he has few hits, all of them belonged to his own production house, and now scoring a hit for outside banners has happened and has also broken his flop streak. Kalyan ram will be seen next in May release, Naa Nuvve opposite Tamannaah.

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