Director Praveen Sattaru, known for his choice of unique scripts in different genres, with films like Chandamama Kathalu, Routine Love Story, Guntur Talkies, was recently seen delivering the successful action thriller PSV Garudavega, which turned out to be a critical and commercial winner.

The film, that had angry young man Doctor Rajasekhar making a strong comeback was set at the backdrop of an intelligence agent destroying a terror outfit and exposing a scam, was a smash hit, and following the movie, Praveen Sattaru had planned to direct the Pullela Gopichand biopic with Sudheer Babu.

However, even before the biopic, the director will make another flick, which will be a quickie, and this movie, will star energetic star Ram Pothineni playing the lead, and milky beauty Kajal Aggarwal has been planned to be his lead pair. This movie is touted to be a snow themed flick, with most of the shoot planned in snow filled locales like Iceland and Switzerland, and this movie will be bankrolled by Sravanthi Ravikishore.

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