Kajal Aggarwal's career took a huge U-turn, after Magnum Opus maker SS Rajamouli directed Magadheera, casting her as the female lead opposite Ramcharan, and presenting her as a hot beauty and displaying her curvy assets as well as performance, took her into the big league with the huge blockbuster result of the movie.
Following which she played the female lead in many Telugu and Tamil films, opposite the biggest of both the industries, like Ajith, Suriya, Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, Megastar Chiranjeevi, and scored blockbusters like Vivegam, Businessman, Temper, Khaidi No 150, and many more, luring audience with her sexy waist, tempting navel.
The actress is now at the peak of her career and she is often the lead runner for shop openings, brand endorsements, TV commercials, and so on. Recently, she was invited for Happi Mobiles Launch and she was dazzling in a white outfit and the whole crowd went gaga on seeing her. Now, we bring 18 photos of Kajal from the shop opening ceremony below,