The dusky babe Amala Paul, who was last seen in the Tamil crime thriller Thiruttu Payale 2, will be seen next on screen in this week's release Bhaskar Oru Rascal with Arvind Swamy. The film will have the actress playing a single mother, a role that she played already in Amma Kanakku. 

On the other end, Amala has been busy committing several projects in Malayalam as well. She has already started shooting for her magnum opus flick with Prithviraj, directed by Blessy and with music by AR Rahman. The actress has now been reportedly approached to play the female lead in Vijay's next. 

She already worked with Vijay for the Tamil movie 'Thalaivaa'. Now, the actress is teaming up with Vijay once again. If reports are to be trusted, the actress will be doing the second fiddle. Nayantara is already doing the female lead role.

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