The slender waist beauty Rakul Preet Singh, who was last seen in Tamil in the movie 'Dev' directed by a debut director and costarring Karthi, had later faced a minor setback with her Bollywood reentry Aiyaary by Neeraj Pandey which failed big time.

The confident actress took the failure as a lesson and has been the positive self always and is working on multiple projects. The actress who's always keen to connect with her fans had launched a mobile app for herself and for her fans to get exclusive content, a month back. The actress had even announced contests for her ardent fans.

Now, the petite babe has announced the winners of the contest and has also revealed that the 3 lucky winners will be traveling with Rakul in a helicopter and travel around Mumbai. Rakul Preet Singh is currently in Mumbai shooting for her next romcom with Ajay Devgn. She also has Suriya starrer NGK in her Kitty.

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