Nayantara who prefers to do female-centric roles in recent times has recently worked on the dark action comedy thriller titled as 'Kolamaavu Kokila'. The movie is also referred to as 'CoCo'. The movie is directed by Nelson and is funded by Lyca Productions.

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Nayantara does the lead role and Comedy actor Yogi Babu plays the role of Kovalan who is Nayantara's boyfriend. The movie also has Saranya Ponvannan, Aranthangi Nisha, Jacqueline as supporting cast. The movie was a huge hit and it ended up as a feather in her crown.

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The movie is now going to Hindi as the dubbed version has been titled as 'CoCo'. The movie will be released soon in Bollywood and this is going to be Nayantara's first direct female-centric movie in Hindi.

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